The Best Medics, Doctors & Physicians for A Healing Touch
780 Canton Road, NE Suite 350
Marietta, Georgia 30060
TEL: (404) 943-0289
FAX: (404) 943-9787
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Baby girl at doctor's appointment
12 August, 2021 by DR. Eduardo Montana 0 Comments

Kids at High Risk of COVID Heart Disease

“Across the United States, after succeeding in vaccinating over 50 % of our adult population with at least one does of the Covid vaccine, we are now experiencing a resurgence of COVID – 19 infections. The new cases are however predominantly in infants, children and adolescents who are primarily exposed in the household by parents and siblings who are unvaccinated.”

Healthy group of friends running and enjoying friend time together
19 April, 2021 by DR. Eduardo Montana 0 Comments

Ask a Fitness Expert

To provide you and your family with expert fitness and nutrition advice in a manner that is useful to you and that you can try at home, we are providing the answer to some frequently asked questions we get from our adolescent patients mostly and their parents.

Kids playing on a spinning carousel in their schoolyard
18 April, 2021 by DR. Eduardo Montana 0 Comments

Let’s Move!

The long COVID pandemic has made many of us even more sedentary than we had been! We have many patients coming to the Pediatric Cardiology, General Pediatric and Family Medicine clinics complaining of new symptoms of fatigue, chest pain, and shortness of breath…